You want to know why I don't watch Conan O'Brien and think he's an idiot? He's invited to make the Dartmouth Commencement address and he offers this bit of brilliance:
"Today, you have achieved something special, something only 92 percent of Americans your age will ever know: a college diploma. That’s right, with your college diploma you now have a crushing advantage over 8 percent of the workforce. I'm talking about dropout losers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg."
Actually, Conan, no. Only about 19% of Americans get college degrees. But, I understand, you were trying to make a joke. However, it wasn't funny. Sort of like you weren't funny on the Tonight Show, which is why you got cancelled (after getting $30mm and crying endlessly). Just like your show now isn't funny.
How do some people manage to have so many unproductive lives?
7 hours ago
Since you hate that Conan jerk like I do, I'll offer you this other Conan O'Brien-hating website where you can join his other haters in typing as much as hatred you want about him:
Thanks. I don't know if I hate Conan or if I'm annoyed that people praise someone so much who really hasn't been that successful.
Image are more attractive i think it will attract more visitors.
He said diplomas not degrees. Reading comprehension.
I can't wait until Conan runs out of money because he has to be paying a lot to get a guest. And I hope its the money he got from NBC. Even they payed to get rid of him.
Conan Obrien is a Jerk, I know I dont have solid proof to prove it but As a person who is undergoing a similar situation to Jordan, I understand why he is acting in his "asperger" mode as many people believe. I have been humiliated and pressured alot in my life and when you are really angry and humiliated you cannot think very well, and the reason why Jordan keeps talking despite the humiliation is because he is in the public eye, he is pressured and also because Conan oviously threatens fire him in front of his face... people who believe that its all a skit. Have you ever thought that this might not be a skit and that Conan is actually a jerk who is able to continue his unacceptable abusive behavior to his co-worker, because his behavior publically accepted and he is justifying his actions with it. Im not saying that Jordan is doing the right thing but mocking and humiliating someone is not the best way to deal with a situation. furthermore by humiliating and mocking someone infront of many people you can damadge and traumatize someone for the rest their life.
I have a few points here. I like his show, I like Conan O' Brien well enough. Not exactly my favorite person and I don't think I can be classified as a fan really. His show is something I tune in and out of every so often when the mood strikes me. Now I've got no clue how I ended up here. But what i'm reading here is completely empty... I'm seeing opinions with no justification, assumptions looked upon as facts.
For one, the OP states nothing. No real opinions or facts supporting those opinions. You attack him for a single joke that you did not find funny and then call him out on what happened with Leno ages ago. I don't care if you love or hate him, you have to know that it was not about the money, as far as I understand it was a job that he really wanted, a job that he was entitled to after waiting for 5 Years... Five years of him seeing Jay Leno doing that job that he wanted. Then he got a few minutes with his job and got kicked off. Surely the money is the last thing on someones' mind when they get cheated like that. I can understand though that he did overreact to the situation massively. And he simply could've walked away, but instead held a grudge. But overall, that was not an opinion, that did not have a point, that was not something you wanted to share to change anyones' mind. You simply wanted to complain about how much you dislike him, without any real reason.
And to the Anonymous that states this:
"Conan Obrien is a Jerk, I know I dont have solid proof to prove it but As a person who is undergoing a similar situation to Jordan, I understand why he is acting in his "asperger" mode as many people believe. I have been humiliated and pressured alot in my life and when you are really angry and humiliated you cannot think very well, and the reason why Jordan keeps talking despite the humiliation is because he is in the public eye, he is pressured and also because Conan oviously threatens fire him in front of his face... people who believe that its all a skit. Have you ever thought that this might not be a skit and that Conan is actually a jerk who is able to continue his unacceptable abusive behavior to his co-worker, because his behavior publically accepted and he is justifying his actions with it. Im not saying that Jordan is doing the right thing but mocking and humiliating someone is not the best way to deal with a situation. furthermore by humiliating and mocking someone infront of many people you can damadge and traumatize someone for the rest their life."
Yes, you're right. He has behaved like an utter dick towards Jordan. That being said though, there's no way to know if Jordan is in on it or not. Every single time we see them together the cameras are rolling, he's a complete laugh whore and a comedian. So he gets cheap laughs out of this strange man. Now that being said, who's to say that Jordan is some victim or saint? Why do you tell people to stop assuming it's all okay and just a skit and then hypocritically state that Conan is a "Jerk" who's being abusive as a fucking assumption in itself? All i'm saying is that Conan is an asshole on camera, but we don't know if that's all the time. Or if this is the type of thing that ends when the cameras stop rolling. Maybe as soon as it stops recording Conan and Jordan shake hands and say: "No hard feelings." Because we don't know. Simple as that.
I've always valued opinions with an open mind, about most things, but this was complete filth. You appear to just spew foaming hatred out of your mouths towards Conan for no discernable reason. As I said, I will gladly read something that can be considered a critical opinion, something more than just "He sucks because of this joke that wasn't funny to me, despite the fact that i'm a singular person and this doesn't really reflect his humour in it's entirety. Also, he lost a job he was entitled to and was stabbed in the back by a coworker, plus he was publicly humiliated. What a crybaby. Baby cries over spilled milk.". Because that really was some of the most ignorant shit i've read.
It is all the time. Conan is a terrible person in real life too, way worse even, when cameras are not rolling. He is scum and the people who work in the industry know it.
He is just not funny! At all!
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